Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Review Questions for the FINAL!

1) Know the five themes of Geography and give examples
Location, Human-Interactions, Movement, Place, and Region.

2) Name three types of maps and give examples of each
Physical, Political, and Thematic maps.
Types of Landforms, location of earth's surface, and resources.

3) What is the difference between longitude and latitude
Longitude is the lines going from north to south, and latitude is the lines going from east to west.

4) What is the prime meridian; what is the equator
The prime meridian and the equator are located in the middle of the earth, going around. They are the lines showing where everything is equal in temp, and climate.

5) What are three types of thematic maps
Qualitative, cartograms, and flow-line maps.

6) How are small-scale maps different than large-scale maps
Small-scale maps show an area in greater detail whereas large-scale maps show an area in not so much detail.

7) Describe the hydrologic cycle
The hydrologic cycle is the continous circulation of water between the atmosphere, the oceans, and the earth. 

8) What causes earthquakes?
Ring of fire, or the plates under the earth's surface colliding or sliding past each other.

9) What is the continental drift theory?
That all the continents were once all together called Panega, until they broke apart and created is now earth.

10) What is El Nino?
El Nino is a natural change in the climate is cause by the warming of the waters off the west coast of South America.

11) What are the major factors that cause weather?
Water vapor, cloud cover, landforms and bodies of water, elevation, and air movement.

12) What might be some causes of global warming?
The burning of fossil fuels and the deforestation of forests cause carbon to air borne into the atmosphere causing global warming.

13) What are the five basic climate regions?
Tropical, semiarid, desert, mediterranean, marine west coast, subarctic, tundra, and highlands.

14) How do ocean currents affect climate?
Ocean currents are like rivers flowing in the ocean. Moving in large circular systems, warm waters flow away from the equator toward the poles, and cold water flows back toward the equator.

15) What are four factors that influence climate?
Wind currents, ocean currents, zones of latitude, elevation, and topography.

16) What is the greenhouse effect?
The theory of global warning; trapping too much carbon into the atmosphere, that the earth can hold all of it.

17) How many languages exist in the world?
3,000 to 6,500 languages spoken in the world.

18) List four types of governments?
Democracy, Monarchy, Dictatorship, Communism.

19) Where does the majority of the world's population live?
Majority of the world's population live in Tokyo. (East)

20) What is a the world's population?
7.5 billion

21) What are some of the world's major religions?
Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism.

22) List at least five things that make up culture.
Culture, language, race, government, and agriculture.

23) What is the Continental Divide?
Continents diving from Panega.

24) What are the most abundant natural resources in the United States and Canada?
Minerals, such as copper and iron, and timber.

25) Which climates are found in the United States but not in Canada?
Desert, tropical, are some climates found in the U.S., but not in Canada.

26) How did settles of the United States and Canada overcome the distances across the continent?
 Canada is connected to Michigan which can make traveling a lot more easier for going to other states.

27) How did the United States become a world power?
The U.S. is abundant in resources, more people moving to the U.S., and the leading world power in government.

28) What was the Columbian Exchange?
The exchange of rare findings between the European and Natives.

29) What is representative democracy?
Democracy that has the people rule through whomever they vote to represent them.

30) Where do the majority of Americans live?
Majority of Americans live in cities.

31) What are some original music styles?  What are some influence U.S. art forms?
Jazz. Native Americans, African Americans, and other races/religions.

32) List the four subregions of the United States.
The North, the West, the South, and the Mid-East.

33) How did the French and Indian War change America?

34) How is Canada's federal government different from the federal government of the United States?
Canada has a prime minster and the U.S. has the president to represent them.

35) Where do most of Canadians live?
Along the border of the U.S.

36) What is Canada's work force like?  Within what industry sector do most Canadians work?
Canadians mostly work in manufacturing goods.

37) What is life like in Canada today?
Canadians love sports, outdoor hobbies, and are overall friendly people.

38)  What are the subregions of Canada?
The Altanic, Core, and Piarie Provinces.

39) What is Canada's largest export product?
Timer along with some minerals.

40) Which two languages and religions dominate Canadian culture?
French and English along with Christianity and Catholic. 

41) Why are the Prairie Provinces so important to the Canadian economy?
The Prairie Provinces hold the most land for raising cattle and farm lands.

42) How has geography affected settlement in Latin America?
Due to mountains or rough terrain some land area in Latin America are considered unusable.
(Along with deforestation)

43) What are the three major river systems in South America?
Amazon River, Orinoco River, and Parana River.

44) Why are three types of resources found in Latin America?
Timber, oil, and minerals. (goods, such as fruits)

45) What two countries does the Orinoco River drain?
Venezuela and Columbia.

46) What are the advantages and disadvantages of tourism in Central and South America?
Advantages of tourism are more money to improve economic growth, disadvantage is an huge gap between rich and poor.

47) What is the history of Mexico?
No one wanting a democracy government until late 1900s.

48) What two major cultures blend in Central America?
African and Native American.

49) What islands make up the Caribbean Islands?
The Greater and Lesser Atiles, Bahamas, and Jamaica.

50) What are the three reasons for poverty in Central America?
No jobs, companies buying land, and slums.

51) What forms of music have evolved in the Caribbean?
Regga and Claypso

52) What was the Treaty of Tordesillas?

53) What crop did settlers first grow in Brazil and what effect did if have on the makeup of the population?
Sugarcane. Air pollution along with land being lost to grow sugar cane.

54) How do Brazil's rivers contribute to its wealth?
Rivers make transportion a lot more easier.

55) What is Brazil national language?

56) Where does Brazil rank in its economic power in the world?
5th rank in economic power in the world.

57) Why is the biodiversity of the rain forest important?
The rain forest holds plants that account for 121 of our drugs, and holds 80% of the world's diet.

58) Why is the rain forest an important global resource?
The rain forest holds 3000 fruits and more than 3000 spieces.

59) What is the largest city in Central America, South America, and the world?
Mexico City

60) Who were the Inca?
Native Americans that crossed the land bride connecting from Alaska to Siberia.

61) Why is the Panama Canal important?  How did it come into existence?
Panama Canal makes transportion easier and it became into existence by U.S. winning the independence war for Brazil.

62) What is the dominant vegetation in the amazon?
trees, shurbs, grasslands, forests, etc.

63) In a short essay (3/4 - 1 page long), discuss how you would balance competing demands on rain forest resources
I would only take what we really need and not take more than we need; allowing the rain forest to have time to grow and reproduce more fruits. Before we run out of all the resources in the world and turn to the 3rd world, or just start artificially making our food and extinct most of the world's nature resources. I will not allow any company to buy off a rain forest for needs such as cutting trees or harvesting goods we have more than enough of. I will only allow companies that protect these forests to buy them off and make sure we aren't treating the forests with poor care. The world has developed so much that we are losing everything that we use to think of every day things. For example, trees, they are always there and we are use to seeing them there, but once they are all gone we will die and there will be no trees in sight.

What you need to know:

Maps - Fifty States, Provinces and Territories of Canada, Countries of Central and South America.

Physical Features - Rocky Mountains, Appalachian Mountains, Great Lakes, Gulf of Mexico, Mississippi River, Mount Denali or Mckinley, Mckenzie River, Ohio River

South America - Amazon Rain Forest, Panama Canal, Andres Mountains, Orinoco River, Amazon River, Parana River, Pampas

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