Thursday, February 5, 2015

Main Ideas pg. 316

1. What legacy did ancient Athens leave for modern governments?
The ability to become a democracy or independent.

2. What effect did the empires of Spain and Portugal have on the rest of the world?
Both Spain and Portugal established colonies in the Americas and elsewhere. Their empires spread Catholicism and the Spanish and Portuguese languages throughout the world.

3. Why does Spain have a conflict with the Basque people?
Spain has had an ongoing conflict with the Basque people. Spain granted the Basque region self-rule, but some Basques want complete independence and have used violence to fight for it.

4. How did the Reformation create new cultural divisions?
In the Reformation period many Christians broke away from the Catholic Church and started Protestant churches. Mutual hostility led Catholics and Protestants to fight religious wars that tore Europe apart.

5. How did nationalism lead to conflicts?
Nationalism often causes groups to want their own countries, so it contributed to the rise of modern nation states.

6. For what artistic legacy are Germany and Austria famous?
Germany and Austria are famous for their artistic legacy of music.

7. Who were the Vikings, and what did they do?
Vikings were Norsemen that sailed long ships to coastal towns and conducted hit-and-run raids.

8. What geographic advantages helped Great Britain build its empires?
Great Britain's status as an island helped protect it. The British people had much experience as sailors. This helped them to build a strong navy and to develop overseas trade.

9. Why did independent nation-states develop later in Eastern Europe than in Western Europe?
Eastern Europeans needed to overcome old hatreds and work together. They also needed to accept democratic ideas such as the rule of law-which means that government officials must obey the law.

10. What problems existed in the Eastern European economy under Communist rule?
Government officials didn't have to follow the law. Noble men had more rights than a non-noblemen.